Dear Diary >:-)…

… Even though the school started on Wednesday, so just two days ago, it feels mUUch longer…

Not much has been accomplished either… I mean, besides sampling a couple stats classes (finaly I truely understand “n choose k” !!! yay !!!) , signing some appointment forms, taking a 2 hours long Japanese placement test (and realizing how much of my Japanese has evaporated in the last 2 years,) auditioning for chorus (i killed, hopefully not my chances of getting in,) and generally running from one side of New Haven to the other since, obviously, the two classes immediatelly following each other simply MUST be happening as far away from each other as it is possible, i also failed to install linux nvidia drivers on our lab’s newest acquisition, a dual processor monster which we almost want to name “clunk” …

chaos, no focus, confusion, bad news on TV down from the Gulf don’t help either…

also it is really weird that just two weeks AFTER I get a new car, the price required to fill up my tank with gas skyrocket through the rooftops, on average by a fifth… That’s fate laughing in my face, heavily spraying saliva and gloating: “should’ve gotten an apartment instead, bud…”

The “assorted chocolate and wine” soirée Thursday evening was fun despite everything else though =) …
mmm chocolate, mmm fruit heavily drenched in chocolate… mmm more chocolate…

gotsta go iron some clothes for a wedding tomorrow…
hate weddings of people who emerege after like 5 years of not talking to me…

perhaps the evening will not be wasted… then again, it’s a straight wedding *shudder*… yours and praying for an open bar 😉
