Archive for

August, 2004



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ah, the joys of unexpected questions on the presentation you give… i mean im not designing the damn probes YET, im explaining the algorithm for searching the genome using burrows-wheeler transform of a string !!!


back to my cave.


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Ania is Back !!!


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so… I've become a statistician, its really flattering that some people want my advice on analyzing the data, but my field of expertise is Computer Science… I mean I do not have a problem with explaining to any audience the Burrows-Wheeler transform of the human genome which obviously has a purpose of lexicographic indexing of aforementioned genome and thus speeding up the search for exact matches… but statistics???

I just think that my professors need entertainment and they use me and my ignorance, or speaking plainly: my stupidity, for cheap laughs and for diffusing stressful situations…



anybody has any ideas how to refine Simpson or Shannon diversity theories for a population of mutant alleles?

my chromosomal recombination simulator on hold, *sigh*

estimated CpG count after 3 weeks of analyzing Homo Sapiens' DNA: 408,000
estimated time for completion of the search : two more weeks
… should probably start designing a database that will hold all these information …



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flash, flash…
and my chromosomes DO RECOMBINE buahahahahahaha…


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i can see the chromosomes !!!

i hate index off by one java head aches…

home, must go home, finish egg foo yung…

mmm food and piano
